Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Goldilocks and the Three Companies

I started my journey on the party plan path in 2004. The first company I joined, I'll call it "company A." It was recommended to me that I should purchase $1600 in wholesale product. I was SO excited to start my own business and when I got my kit... listening to the audio training tapes scared me! The women on the tape was telling me how I should prioritize my life, change the way I dress, etc. Although I liked a lot of their products... I didn't want to mold myself into their "ideal consultant." I also have to admit having $1600 in wholesale products in my home was terrifying! How and who was I going to sell all of these products to?? It took me several months to sell my inventory to other consultants and my final Godsend was EBAY.... against the company policy but it had to be done!

My next short lived venture, "company B," was going to be great! NO inventory, woo, hoo! How awesome to sell products by catalog only... but having to buy catalogs all the time and having to go out there and find customers was hard for me! I was working full time and have a toddler at home, so I scratched "company B" within a few weeks.

"Company C"... I thought this one was "it" for sure. Everyone LOVES their products. The company has been around for years and their products last forever. I was attending their "ra ra" cheerleading type meetings, buying all the specials they had to offer to consultants and I didn't have any home parties on my books. Finally, one of my co-workers hosted a party for me! Not only did I have to lug around bags, bags and more bags of demo products but I only sold about $100 in products and felt like an idiot glorifying the products during my presentation! I was DONE but what was left over was boxes and boxes of demo and special purchase inventory in our garage!

What was I going to do next? I failed at everything I attempted. The excitement was there at the beginning of each company I started with.... what went wrong? I felt like Goldilocks... this company wanted to to transform myself, the other company wanted me to buy a million catalogs and the third company was just too "ra ra" and I felt ridiculous hosting their parties.

Do I bother trying another company? What will my husband say... "are you crazy? We have $1600 in products, a kazillion catalogs and MY garage is filled with a ton of boxes! Just stop! Enough is enough."

Just as Goldilock's found the perfect bed to sleep in, company "D" was perfect for me! I could be myself, only two catalogs per year and the products were small enough that storage would never be an issue!

Lesson learned: Every company, as great as they are... are not for everyone. You have to find the one that fits YOU just right!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Writer's Block

Well... I've been thinking about creating a blog for about a year now! Last month, I finally decided to have one designed by Clara Wallace Designs and I've been staring at the blank canvas for weeks... not knowing how to start it off! I'm not a creative writer so how can I have "writer's block?"

What I really want is to share MY truth about what I've been through for the past several years of building a "party plan" business and being a wife and a mom to two wonderful children. And my biggest fear IS letting everyone in. Please have patience with me as I begin to tell my story.